15. 07. 2024
» entire article
27. 06. 2024
White Line. Štvanice Footbridge Across Vltava in Prague Petr Tej, Marek Blank, Jan Mourek

The new footbridge connecting Prague’s Karlín and Holešovice districts forms a delicate spatial curve—based on the pedestrian and cyclists movement. The bridge deck is supported by two abutments at the opposite banks, two piers on the Štvanice island for minimum impact, and two more piers in Vltava’s non-navigable side channel. A ramp running parallel to the edge of the island connects the footbridge to Štvanice. On the Holešovice side, the footbridge slopes down to the level of the sidewalk, even going below flood water levels. This section is designed to be movable vertically, with a hydraulic ram pump in the last pier to lift the bridge above the 1000-year flood mark. The bridge is made from ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) with a smooth, white marble-like finish.

» entire article
21. 06. 2024
Transitory! Temporary! Tactical! Jan Trejbal, Zuzana Stejskalová

It’s not really common practice in ERA21 to dedicate a part of the issue to explaining its title. But in the case of the temporary use of public spaces and buildings, it becomes essential. First, we should define transitory, temporary and tactical approaches. But with a closer look, we find out that actually everybody knows them—remember that one place not far from the town centre that hasn’t been used for years, and now a group of locals started taking care of it and built a DIY skatepark or organized outdoor screenings?

» entire article
17. 06. 2024
» entire article
14. 06. 2024
» entire article

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Projekt se v roce 2024 uskutečňuje za finanční podpory: Ministerstva kultury ČR, Nadace české architektury, Statutárního města Brna a Státního fondu kultury ČR.
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