30. 06. 2018
Use Value, Image Value: The New Nantes School of Architecture Valéry Didelon

We present the first Czech translation of Valéry Didelon’s text from the French magazine Criticat. We have selected it as an example of a thorough independent critique, although it’s not the only possible way to write a critical review. The author’s experience with the criticized building is primarily first-hand in this case because he taught at ENSA Nantes for three years. This building is one of the principal realizations by Lacaton & Vassal and it received a largely positive reception in the regular architectural press.

» entire article
26. 06. 2018
Delta Light představuje novinky – punkovou kolekci i spolupráci s OMA

Belgický výrobce svítidel Delta Light představuje celou řadu zajímavých novinek. Tradičně minimalistické pojetí svých produktů obohacuje o paletu nových sofistikovaných barev, povrchů i tvarů. Rozšiřuje stávající řady svítidel, ale uvádí také zcela nové.

» entire article
19. 06. 2018
Quiet Please. Extension of The DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague Petr Hájek, Tereza Keilová, Cornelia Klien, Benedikt Markel, Martin Stoss, Leoš Válka / Petr Hájek Architekti

The DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague has significantly expanded its floor space and its programme with the renovation of an adjacent office building and a new courtyard extension. The office interiors have retained their specific 70’s atmosphere thanks to a respectful approach to the original details and building materials. They are now rented to a private international college of architecture. The courtyard, on the other hand, is completely transformed by two new concrete volumes, cast in situ and wrapped in sound absorbing upholstery. The smaller is a rehearsal room, the bigger an auditorium for music, film or theatre events. The intergrown forms are unified by a subdued light grey facade color.

» entire article
13. 06. 2018
Ujede Brnu znovu vlak? Michal Sedláček

V Brně vrcholí diskuse ohledně polohy brněnského železničního uzlu. Variantu nádraží u řeky již schválilo městské a krajské zastupitelstvo, koncem května ji podpořila také Centrální komise ministerstva dopravy. Konečný verdikt vynese vláda. Stále však existuje silná opozice. ERA21 požádala o názor architekta a urbanistu Romana Čerbáka (viz ERA21 #02/2018), na jehož sloupek v nejnovějším čísle #03/2018 reaguje ředitel Kanceláře architekta města Brna Michal Sedláček.

» entire article
11. 06. 2018
Art and Place. Editorial ERA21 #03/2018 Veronika Kastlová, Petra Vlachynská

Art in the public space always becomes part of the environment, be it permanent or fleeting. All places go through several physical transformations during their lifetime, they carry the stories and needs of the modern city and they are shaped by the people who live there. All that can affect the meaning of artwork, develop it further, or justify its existence. At the same time, the artwork penetrates the meaning of the site; it has the power to make it important, to interpret, draw attention and inspire action...

» entire article

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