02. 12. 2015
Print Gallery. Extension of Karmášek Printing Company in České Budějovice Ivan Kroupa, Tomáš Zmek / Ivan Kroupa architekti /

The building is a cultural extension of the printing works following the original concept from 2001. From the perspective of urbanistic relations and inner urban space it soothes and unites a formerly fragmented street front, integrating the object of a transformer station into the volume and the façade of a printing company. The cultural function, accessible to the public, is presented through an open console to the street, where it logically connects with the public space. The closure of the original printing works, whose production faced  the street, is now balanced by an open transparent volume. The architecture of the original building, as well as the new extension, does not relate to the surrounding residential façades, it is not camouflaged. It is different, carrying out a different function towards the city and the site. It enriches, diversifies, and enlivens the place.

» entire article
04. 11. 2015
Elementary School in Líbeznice Adam Halíř, Ondřej Hofmeister, Marek Sankot, Bohdana Linhartová / Projektil architekti /

This new building completes in an urban planning fashion the existing complex of the elementary school on the north-east edge of Líbeznice that consists of the main school building from 1956 and an after-school club. The building was originally intended for a kindergarten; the proposed ring marked a circular garden for preschool kids within the school garden. Due to financial reasons and the demographical development of the village, the task was later changed to that of an elementary school. The building maintains the original concept of a house surrounding the outside environment. The core of the disposition is formed by an eccentrically located atrium that serves as an outdoor classroom, encircled by a multifunctional foyer integrating communications, locker rooms, and common spaces. On its perimeter there are eight classrooms, teachers’ offices, sanitary facilities, and a cafeteria that can be easily transformed into an auditorium for lectures, music or theatre performances.

» entire article
04. 11. 2015
On Railways and their Essential Importance in Europe Jan Evangelista Purkyně

When setting out to write about general consequences and the importance of railways, it is necessary to be in the right location and imagine that the time has already arrived when significant centers of European business are connected with those. This is not about distance or the nearness of that time but the point is whether there shall be any advantages from such changes in this world so that it would seem useful to contribute to their establishment. I say, indeed there will be!—The essential nature of railway is the following: The reduction of business territory, the reduction of time, the increase in power for the distribution of goods, along with the reduction of transportation costs.

» entire article
30. 10. 2015
Brno Has a Problem Petra Hlaváčková

Move it or leave it? That is the question Brno representatives have been trying to answer for almost a hundred years. The main station is still on the original location from 1839 along the inner city ring road and its capacity and technical condition haven’t met modern requirements for a long time. Why is it so difficult to solve this situation for good? Will the current city administration be able to take the radical historic step?

» entire article
10. 09. 2015
Reconstruction of Zelný trh in Brno Tomáš Rusín, Ivan Wahla, Petr Mutina / Atelier RAW /

Zelný trh is a historical square in the center of Brno, originating from the 13th century, with a dominant Baroque fountain Parnas, surrounded by important urban buildings. The aim of the reconstruction was to create clearly urbanized sites with well arranged traffic and pedestrian access that will meet all requirements of a functional central urban area—functioning as a meeting, retail and cultural space. An emphasis was placed on the compactness of the solution—the central area of the square has a clear, uncomplicated shape based on the original shape and classical city-making compositions and scales, it is separated from the pavements by a traffic lane in the form of a roundabout. In the southern and western part it connects to smaller piazzettas planted with trees. Each area is visually distinguished from the others by a different type of surface. There are new lights, seats, fountains, and other street furniture.

» entire article

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