05. 06. 2023
Právo samosprávy na sebedestrukci. Obce nestíhají plánovat rozvoj a krotit developery, škody jsou trvalé Klára Votavová / Voxpot

Mnoho radnic, ovšem s málo úředníky, slabá koordinace veřejné správy, zato silní developeři. Právě kvůli tomuto mixu vyrůstají okolo velkých metropolí satelity bez škol a dalšího zázemí, jejichž údržba vyjde draho ještě několik příštích generací. Přinášíme analytický článek ze série Miliardoví developeři, podfinancované obce, kterou podpořil Nadační fond pro nezávislou žurnalistiku.

» entire article
02. 06. 2023
» entire article
02. 06. 2023
City Details. ERA21 #03/2023 Editorial Martin Hrouda

As active users of public space, as skaters, we’re often intrigued by the smallest of details which others pass without notice. Joints in the pavement, bench edges, materials, barrier-free accessibility or ease of movement around a city. Skaters spend a lot of time in the streets, so they understand the city and its workings quite well. They know the best places to spend their free time, where to stop and sit down, where to skate. They like the interaction with the city and its inhabitants, they prefer the city centre to the skatepark somewhere on the periphery. They also have a mutually influential relationship with other social stratas. So skaters just tend to be public space experts. You can quickly tell the quality of a space by the presence of a group of young people riding around on something.

» entire article
01. 06. 2023
» entire article
01. 06. 2023
» entire article

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