Právě vychází nové číslo časopisu ERA21 s názvem Estonsko: Severské? Neoliberální?, které jsme připravili ve spolupráci s kurátorem Marošem Krivým. A na co se můžete těšit?
„Když se řekne Estonsko, vybaví se mi tři věci: les, sídliště a internet. V tomto čísle se ale dozvíme víc. A možná zjistíme, že estonská architektonická scéna má mnoho společného se situací u nás,“ říká šéfredaktor Filip Landa.
» entire articleIn ERA21 #05/2018, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia, we published an interview with the „anniversary old man“, Karel Kroupa. While reading it, hadn’t you wondered... who is this admirable, partiotic man? Where did he come from? How is it possible that you’ve never heard about him?
The explanation is simple. Karel Kroupa doesn’t exist. The interview is a literary work, where the author, Rostislav Koryčánek, deliberately used key events of the past century, events related to history of architecture as well as that of the nation as a whole. We have created Karel Kroupa with the intention that he could, in the fashion of Jára Cimrman or Forrest Gump, become a part of the course of events and thus also a guide through the history of Czechoslovak architecture. He would embody the ideal of the national hero who we could admire for his beliefs. Because – let’s face it – right now there’s no surplus of national heroes.
Dear readers, we sincerely hope you can forgive us for making this little „joke“. Our intentions were good. The anniversary issue of ERA21 was very special to us and we let ourselves be especially creative. And, if you’re wondering who the man in the picture is, stay tuned until the next issue, out at the beginning of December.
» entire articleERA21 regularly organizes guided walks related to one selected theme of ERA21 of the past year. This year we will focus on the Art of Public Space (see ERA21 #03/2018) and we prepared one walk in Brno and two events in České Budějovice.
» entire article
On Tuesday, September 4th, we visited the multifunctional building of the Drn in Prague at Národní třída. The excursion was also attended by author of the building Stanislav Fiala, historian and curator Katerina Beckova and architect Yvette Vašourková, who will review the building in the forthcoming issue of ERA21, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovak architecture.
» entire articleOn Wednesday, 25th June, we went on a roadtrip to Pustevny, Beskydy, where architect Kamil Mrva has shown us the recently finished upper station of the cableway, that will be published in the upcoming issue of ERA21. On the way back we have visited other interesting buildings in Beskydy and its surroundings.
» entire articleERA21 vydává ERA Média, s. r. o. |
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