Rekonstrukce českobudějovického Domu umění je ve vážném ohrožení! Pojďme si připomenout osm let starý sloupek Rostislava Koryčánka, který vyzdvihl význam této instituce v souvislosti s vydáním publikace Dům umění České Budějovice 2013–1998 (AVU Praha, 2014).
» entire articleIn mid-june, the editorial office was contacted by architect Karel Kroupa. Born in 1918 in Broumov, he decided to celebrate his jubilee by recording his life’s story marked by the dramatic events of the 20th century. In the interview with Rostislav Koryčánek, he reveals his touching patriotism, describes his uneasy path to and love for architecture, as well as his professional career full of unexpected twists and unforgettable encounters.
» entire articleERA21 vydává ERA Média, s. r. o. |
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