17. 07. 2020
In My Experience… Interviews with Chosen Survey Participants 2/4

As the popular Czech saying goes, statistics is a science giving us invaluable data. But the colorful details of real life rarely fit neatly into charts and tables. To fully understand an issue we need both hard data and personal stories. We approached and conducted interviews with nine participants of the working conditions survey. We wanted to paint a colorful picture of life’s stories and experiences, so we’ll introduce you to architects with young children, architects running their own offices, freelancers, employees, and those who made their own way and juggle several activities or are leaving architecture altogether, or are leaving the Czech Republic to practice architecture abroad. In the second chapter we introduce two anonymous architects and Jan Hanzlík.

» entire article
14. 07. 2020
In My Experience… Interviews with Chosen Survey Participants

As the popular Czech saying goes, statistics is a science giving us invaluable data. But the colorful details of real life rarely fit neatly into charts and tables. To fully understand an issue we need both hard data and personal stories. We approached and conducted interviews with nine participants of the working conditions survey. We wanted to paint a colorful picture of life’s stories and experiences, so we’ll introduce you to architects with young children, architects running their own offices, freelancers, employees, and those who made their own way and juggle several activities or are leaving architecture altogether, or are leaving the Czech Republic to practice architecture abroad. In the first chapter we introduce Veronika Kommová and Adam Zet.

» entire article
08. 07. 2020
How Are We Doing? First Results of the Working Conditions of Young Architects Survey Terezie Lokšová, Eliška Pomyjová

Every architect knows the specifics of the job. There was no data, however, to confirm the collective experience of the current working conditions in the Czech Republic. We now present the most significant results of an extensive survey conducted among university educated architects, between the ages of 22 and 35, based in the CR. The fact that we received 1221 valid responses proves how timely the subject matter was.

» entire article
25. 06. 2020
Mezinárodní porota ČCA nominovala do prestižního výběru 27 děl

Česká komora architektů zveřejnila na nominačním večeru 5. ročníku České ceny za architekturu pořádaném 24. června 2020 v objektu Kotelna v areálu Uhelného mlýna v Libčicích nad Vltavou sedmadvacet děl, která mezinárodní porota nominovala do prestižního výběru. Jméno držitele Hlavní ceny i ostatních finalistů se veřejnost dozví 24. listopadu 2020 na slavnostním galavečeru ve Foru Karlín.

» entire article
19. 06. 2020
Českomoravský beton otevírá novou betonárnu v Hlinsku

Dne 18. 06. 2020 proběhlo slavnostní otevření betonárny Hlinsko. Betonárna Hlinsko je jedním z nově otevřených provozů společnosti Českomoravský beton, a. s. Provoz je plně řízen automatickým systémem ME 30, který zaručuje přesné dávkování, a tím i výslednou vysokou kvalitu čerstvého betonu. Betonárna je vybavena technologií typu SB VLK 25, čtyřkomorovým zásobníkem kameniva a čtyřmi zásobníky pojiva a plniva. Nedílnou součástí betonárny je recyklační zařízení pro zpracování zbytkového betonu.

» entire article

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