Redakce ERA21 spolu s kurátorkami třetího letošího čísla Alžbětou Brůhovou a Adélou Pečlovou a galerií Plevel vás zvou na vernisáž fotografií Tomáše Hejzlara. Fotografie v časopise doprovázejí rozhovory s účastníky průzkumu pracovních podmínek (mladých) architektů a architektek. Akce zároveň poslouží k „pokřtění“ čerstvě vydaného čísla s podtitulem Podhoubí architektury. Víno, chlebíčky, hudba a výtisky časopisu samozřejmostí. 25. června od 19 hodin v restauraci Plevel v ulici Krymské v Praze.
» entire articleThe main purpose of the workshops newbuild is the servicing and maintenance of large farm machinery and equipment. It is located on a farm with a biogas plant in the village of Opatov near Svitavy. Shapes and features of traditional farm buildings, like gabled roofs and a distinctive ridge skylight, inspired the simple and partly translucent form. Even though referencing local traditions, the newbuild is not like anything built for similar purposes. Offices and facilities for farm staff are also housed inside.
» entire articleTwelve years ago, an article about Polish architecture that I had written with Roman Rutkowski was first published in ERA21. I was an optimist then; an emerging and committed architect. Today, having built several projects, I am slowly abandoning the profession and I prefer writing sad books set in modernist times when architects used to really take the fate of the world in their hands. I regard the contemporary architectural scene around our small Polish pond with disgust and embarrassment. One reason for that is my dissatisfaction with the buildings being put up here, but another reason is the media, social media in particular, where architects are losing the last of their dignity.
» entire article“Well, Adél, how do we start?”
“I think that this issue is kind of unique.”
“In what way?”
“We have stripped architecture naked. And ourselves, too.”
“What’s it feel like to be naked for you?”
“It’s OK now, but it wasn't so great to begin with. What will people say? Is it too much? Or too little? Should I start dancing as well, so that people like it?”
“I think we haven’t danced enough…”
Jedinečnou příležitost pro studenty a absolventy architektonických oborů českých vysokých škol nabízí nový ročník soutěže Kaplicky Internship. Autor letošního vítězného projektu na volné téma absolvuje tříměsíční placenou stáž v londýnském ateliéru David Chipperfield Architects. Soutěž připomínající odkaz proslulého architekta Jana Kaplického organizuje nadace Bakala Foundation ve spolupráci s Design Museem v Londýně a Nadačním fondem Kaplicky Centre.
» entire articleERA21 vydává ERA Média, s. r. o. |
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