10. 01. 2020
10. ročník Beton University je za námi

Jaký byl 10. ročník vzdělávacích seminářů Beton University, pořádaných společností Českomoravský beton, a. s., kterého se v pěti městech České republiky zúčastnilo více než 700 posluchačů, a jaké jsou plány na další rok?

» entire article
06. 01. 2020
An Obvious School. Amos Elementary School for Psáry and Dolní Jirčany Ondřej Píhrt, Štefan Šulek, Ondřej Laciga / SOA architekti

As of today, the new elementary school fits in the existing development of the Psáry and Dolní Jirčany municipalities only loosely. The site is situated next to the main road to Prague, the west-facing windows offer views to the surrounding fields, the public space in front of the main entrance marks the end of an urban axis connecting it with the Dolní Jirčany square. The two main wings, inspired by village farmhouses, contain classrooms and offices; the central block-shaped volume clad with wooden slats houses the canteen and the gyms. Classrooms are organized in clusters of three or four; each cluster with its own color and direct access to an outdoor area. The energy efficient building also has its own rainwater collection system.

» entire article
17. 12. 2019
Warsaw on the Road. Marlena Happach Interviewed by Ivan Gogolák

Capital cities both, Warsaw and Prague share a similar history interwoven with the effects of planned development. But their starting position was very different. Near total destruction of Warsaw during the Second World War left it struggling to find its identity almost to this day. Strong development pressures brought the capital development projects introducing office districts, entirely new neighborhoods and new problems and challenges. To deal with these is in part the responsibility of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning in Warsaw – BAiPP. We talked about the capital city with the city architect, Marlena Happach.

» entire article
09. 12. 2019
A Living Hall. Production Hall in the Industrial Complex in Slavkov near Brno Zdeněk Fránek / Fránek Architects

This year, another green building was erected in the industrial complex in southwest Slavkov near Brno. Following the construction of their experimental development center LIKO‑Noe, the company producing interior partitions, prefab structures, and green construction elements completed a new production hall, LIKO-Vo, dubbed the first “living” hall in the world. The living hall concept is based on a principle of natural thermal stabilisation provided by a green roof, a green facade, a wet pond and other technologies that ensure the building can cool itself and the surrounding environment down, in stark contrast to the heat effect of traditional industrial structures. Besides an obvious aesthetic benefit and the thermal regulation effects, the green surfaces also function as natural wastewater treatment systems. The clean water is then stored and used for irrigation. The LIKO-S company sees the construction of the production hall as their response to the climate crisis and strives to inspire a considerate environmental approach.

» entire article
06. 12. 2019
Krása je v detailech

Kristina Boda před rokem převzala vedení největšího českého dodavatele dveřních kování. Jak vidí budoucnost společnosti Cobra, držitele mnoha prestižních designových ocenění? 

» entire article

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